TOPICS TO TAKE INTEREST IN ▲ List of expressions which might have a great impact on society, although not often spoken of
archive.org ¬ accountability ¬ agenda 2030 ¬ aladdin (system) ¬ alphabet, inc. ¬ aluminium ¬ amendment audits ¬ anthropology ¬ antiganda ¬ arms policy ¬ arpanet ¬ artificial intelligence ¬ artificial sweeteners ¬ attention economics ¬ bank-bailouts ¬ behavioral science ¬ bilderberg meetings ¬ biological warfare ¬ biosecurity state ¬ biotechnology ¬ blackrock, inc. ¬ bohemian grove ¬ brain implants ¬ bretton woods ¬ broken window fallacy ¬ carbon dust absorption ¬ CBDC ¬ censorship ¬ child abuse ¬ civil rights ¬ cloud seeding ¬ club of rome ¬ cognitive dissonance ¬ conservation ¬ corruption ¬ council on foreign relations ¬ credit solutions ¬ critical thinking ¬ cyberwarfare ¬ DARPA ¬ debanking ¬ decentralization ¬ defence logistics ¬ delphi method ¬ dependance ¬ deplatforming ¬ depopulation ¬ digital identity ¬ directed-energy weapons ¬ disaster capitalism ¬ disclosure ¬ disinformation agents ¬ distribution of wealth ¬ ecological literacy ¬ economics ¬ educational system ¬ eletromagnetic warfare ¬ EMF ¬ emergency legislation ¬ engineering of consent ¬ ESG ¬ ethics ¬ eugenics ¬ event 201 ¬ family ¬ false flag ¬ federal reserve, the ¬ fentanyl crisis ¬ first aid ¬ fluoride ¬ food, quality ¬ food, supply ¬ forever chemicals ¬ fractional reserve banking ¬ freedom of speech ¬ genetically modified organism (gmo) ¬ geoengineering ¬ geopolitics ¬ globalism ¬ grooming ¬ HAARP ¬ handlers ¬ homeschooling ¬ history of magic ¬ human sciences ¬ hypnotism ¬ iatrogenesis ¬ immune system ¬ IMF ¬ iatrogenesis ¬ Indirah Singh ¬ informed consent ¬ ingredients ¬ intelligence agencies ¬ internet, the ¬ internet of bodies ¬ internet of things ¬ in-Q-tel ¬ ionaziation of energy ¬ IPCC ¬ law ¬ life extension ¬ limited hangout ¬ linguistics ¬ lithium ¬ lipid nanoparticles ¬ logistics of power ¬ magnetic levitation ¬ mathematical impossibility ¬ media ¬ milgram experiment, the ¬ military exercise (war games) ¬ MK ultra ¬ mnemonic devices ¬ mRNA ¬ nanotechnology ¬ nanobiotechnology ¬ nato ¬ NBIC ¬ NSSM 200 ¬ NSA ¬ occult ¬ open society foundation ¬ palantir ¬ pesticides ¬ pharma industry ¬ philosophy ¬ physics ¬ plum island ¬ political science ¬ (predictive) programming ¬ psittacism ¬ psychographics ¬ psychological warfare ¬ precipitation enhancement ¬ privacy ¬ psychological operations ¬ public opinion ¬ reasoning ¬ recreational mathematics ¬ reset the table ¬ responsibility ¬ right to arms ¬ ritual abuse ¬ robotics ¬ rockefeller foundation ¬ rosa koire ¬ rothschild foundation ¬ SDR ¬ secret societies ¬ seed oils ¬ self-built ¬ selfsustainability ¬ semantics ¬ smart cities ¬ smart devices ¬ social credit score ¬ social engineering ¬ social networks ¬ social sciences ¬ society ¬ solar radiation management ¬ solutions ¬ spontaneous order theory ¬ state oversight ¬ state propaganda ¬ stratospheric aerosol injection ¬ supply chain ¬ surveillance ¬ survival skills ¬ symbolism ¬ system of systems ¬ taxation ¬ technocracy ¬ telecommunications ¬ terrain theory ¬ dr. tim ball ¬ tomography ¬ tools for learning ¬ transhumanism ¬ USDA ¬ TV ¬ urban planning ¬ U.N. Agenda 21 ¬ U.N. treaty collection ¬ vaccinations ¬ vanguard, inc. ¬ VPN ¬ walt disney company, the ¬ water ¬ weather modification ¬ welfare state, the ¬ weaponization of (¿everything?)
■ 9/11 War Games
■ The Age of Transitions
■ Blackmail Inflation
■ Dimming: Climate Engineering Documentary
■ False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda
■ Fearless Teen VS Corrupt Cops
■ The Global Pandemic Treaty: What You Need to Know
■ House Of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic
■ How Big Oil Conquered The World
■ How BlackRock Conquered the World
■ This Is Why You Should Not Comply
■ IPCC Exposed, The
■ Meet Henry Kissinger
■ Money Masters, The
■ Obama: A Legacy of Ashes
■ Popaganda: The Art and Crimes of Ron English
■ Rockefeller Medicine
■ Who Is Bill Gates?
■ Why The Water And Milk We Drink Is Killing Us
BOOKS ▲ Food for thought, for someone somewhere
A History Of The World In 10 1/2 Chapters
Against Intellectual Property
Battle For The Mind
Behind The Green Mask U.N. Agenda 21
Bowling Alone
Brain-Washing In Red China
Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project
Chemtrails, HAARP, And The Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth
Clouds of Secrecy
Confessions of an Economic Hitman
Crystalizing Public Opinion
Debt-The First 5000 Years
Economics In One Lesson
Friendly Fire
From Caligari to Hitler
From Bretton Woods To World Inflation
From Racism To Genocide: Anthropology In The Third Reich
Gender Trouble: Feminism And The Subversion of Identity
Glitter & Greed
Lab 257
Lying About Hitler
Madachy's Mathematical Recreations
Man vs. The Welfare State
Media Sexploitation
Murder by Injection
On Numbers And Games
Principles of General Grammar
Public Opinion
Revolve Man's Scientific Rise To Godhood
Selling War
Sciences of Monarch Mind Control
State of Exception
Superclass: Global Power
Surveillance Valley; The Secret Military History of the Internet
The First Global Revolution
The Grand Chestboard
The Gulf War did not Take Place
The Man Who Would Be King
The Most Dangerous Superstition (audio)
The Society of The Spectacle
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relation
The Tuttle Twins (for kids)
Thinking as a Science
Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art
Understanding EMFs
Understanding Media
Weaponizing Anthropology
Weather Warfare
DOCUMENTATION & OPINION ▲ Selection of creators discussing topics of (inter)national interests
Academic Dictionaries (tool) ¬ Activist Post ¬ Adapt2030 ¬ All Things Pass ¬ Americans4aCleanAtmosphere ¬ ArchiveofOurOwn ¬ Audit The Audit ¬ Auditing Erie County ¬ Bay Area Transparency ¬ Best Evidence ¬ BigPuff Podcast ¬ Biodigital Convergence ¬ Black Carbon Coalition ¬ Blacklisted News ¬ Braxman ¬ Brilliant Maps ¬ CanadaExitWHO ¬ Carnicom Institute ¬ CT3 ¬ Centre For Research on Globalization ¬ Chemtrails Project UK ¬ Childrens Health Defence ¬ Clif High ¬ Climate Change on Trial ¬ Climate Debate ¬ Climate Depot ¬ Climate Viewer ¬ Conspiracy Synergy ¬ Counter Punch ¬ CultState ¬ Culture Unplugged ¬ DarrenMooreJr ¬ David A Hughes ¬ Democracy Now! ¬ Direct D ¬ Discover Magazine ¬ Dlux Nation ¬ Documenting Reality ¬ Door To Freedom ¬ Dutchsinse ¬ Econlib ¬ Edward Slavsquat ¬ Empire And Economics ¬ ETC Group ¬ Epstein Justice ¬ Eureka Alert ¬ Eva Bartlett ¬ Films For Action ¬ Flightradar24 (tool) ¬ Food Freedom ¬ Foreign Affairs ¬ Freedom Convo Podcast ¬ Freedom Phoenix ¬ Gavin's Newsletter ¬ Geoengineering Map ¬ GeoEngineering Watch ¬ Gizmodo ¬ GM Watch ¬ Grand Theft World ¬ Health Freedom ¬ Homeschool+ ¬ Honest Ads ¬ Ian Davis ¬ Ice Age Farmer ¬ Inpower Movement ¬ Irina Slav ¬ James Freeman ¬ James Madison Audits ¬ James Roguski ¬ JaysAnalysis ¬ Jikkyleaks ¬ Joe Plummer ¬ Judith Curry ¬ K.U.L.T. News ¬ Kaotic ¬ Lancaster Farming ¬ LackLuster ¬ Less EMF ¬ Libs of TikTok ¬ Logos Media ¬ Long Island Audit ¬ Max Planck Meteorology ¬ Media Monarchy ¬ Mental Outlaw ¬ Meria ¬ Meryl Nass ¬ Meta Gear Solid ¬ Monkey Werx US ¬ National Citizens Inquiry ¬ Natural News ¬ Net Zero Scandal ¬ Noh Mask ¬ NSSL News ¬ Off Guardian ¬ OilPrice ¬ Open Source Education ¬ Peace Revolution Podcast ¬ Peter Kirby ¬ Pinac News ¬ Prepare for Change ¬ RationalWiki ¬ Recipes For Reciprocity ¬ Reclaim The Net ¬ Richard Gage ¬ River of Lies ¬ Rounding The Earth ¬ SageJournals ¬ San Joaquin Valley Transparency ¬ SaveOurSkies ¬ Scamerica ¬ Science Direct ¬ Simon Caine ¬ Slavland Chronicles ¬ Slay News ¬ Solarcycles ¬ Soil Food Web ¬ Space Weather News ¬ SoutFront ¬ Spellbreakers Podcast ¬ Spy Culture ¬ Stavroula ¬ Subtle Cain ¬ Sugar³ ¬ Survival Lilly ¬ Suspicious0bservers ¬ Swiss Policy Research ¬ Syrian Arab News Agency ¬ Take Back Our Tech ¬ Tarpley ¬ The Abstract ¬ The Age Of Transitions ¬ The Black Vault ¬ The Concious Resistance ¬ The Control Group ¬ The Corbett Report ¬ The Ethical Skeptic ¬ The Good Citizen ¬ The Crowhouse ¬ The Daily Sceptic ¬ The Dirt Doctor ¬ The International Forecaster ¬ The Last American Vagebond ¬ The People's Reset: UK ¬ The Pyramid of Power ¬ The School Sucks Project ¬ The Stoa ¬ The World Watch ¬ Theupliftingcrane's Blog ¬ To The Lifeboats ¬ Too Apree ¬ Top Documentary Films ¬ Tragedy And Hope ¬ Triangle Productions ¬ Trivium Education ¬ Truthstream Media ¬ Unlimited Hangout ¬ uTobian ¬ Vee ¬ Vigilant Citizen ¬ Wall Street On Parade ¬ Watching The Watchman ¬ Watts Up With That ¬ Weather War 101 ¬ World Council for Health ¬ World History Commons ¬ Zero Geoengineering ¬ ZME Science
MOTION PICTURES ▲ Selected due to elements of symbolism, (predictive) programming or philosophy. Beware of propaganda! Don't fall for it, call it out!
▲ Metropolis
▲ Laura
▲ Hell And High Water
▲ The Manchurian Candidate
▲ The Sound Of Music
▲ Alfie
▲ Planet of The Apes
▲ A Clockwork Orange
▲ Soylent Green
▲ Zardoz
▲ Monty Python and the Holy Grail
▲ The Man Who Would Be King
▲ Annie
▲ Brainstorm
▲ Videodrome
▲ Ghostbusters
▲ The Terminator
▲ The Toxic Avenger
▲ Repo Men
▲ The Goonies
▲ Wall Street
▲ They Live
▲ Jacob's Ladder
▲ Pretty Woman
▲ Bob Roberts
▲ Death Becomes Her
▲ Dave
▲ Demolition Man
▲ Groundhog Day
▲ Jurrasic Park
▲ The Firm
▲ The Good Son
▲ Fearless
▲ Warlock: the Armageddon
▲ Disclosure
▲ Natural Born Killers
▲ Pulp Fiction
▲ 12 Monkeys
▲ Casino
▲ Judge Dredd
▲ Virtuosity
▲ Waterworld
▲ City Hall
▲ Profit, series
▲ Gattaca
▲ Perdita Durango
▲ The Devil's Advocate
▲ Wag The Dog
▲ A Civil Action
▲ American History X
▲ Bulworth
▲ Enemy of the State
▲ Primary Colors
▲ Ronin
▲ Sphere
▲ The Truman Show
▲ American Beauty
▲ American Pie
▲ Any Given Sunday
▲ Cruel Intentions
▲ Edtv
▲ Existenz
▲ Eyes Wide Shut
▲ Fight Club
▲ The Insider
▲ The Matrix
▲ The Ninth Gate
▲ South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
▲ The Talented Mr. Ripley
▲ American Psycho
▲ Requiem for a Dream
▲ Road Trip
▲ A.I. Artificial Intelligence
▲ Bubble Boy
▲ Donny Darko
▲ How High
▲ Josie and The Pussycats
▲ Swordfish
▲ Sugar And Spice
▲ Training Day
▲ Zoolander
▲ The Bourne Identity
▲ Equilibrium
▲ John Q
▲ Minority Report
▲ Murder by Numbers
▲ S1m0ne
▲ Paycheck
▲ The Recruit
▲ Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
▲ Millions
▲ The Butterfly Effect
▲ Silver City
▲ Team America: World Police
▲ Hide And Seek
▲ Proof
▲ The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl
▲ The Ringer
▲ Thank You For Smoking
▲ Two for the Money
▲ V for Vendetta
▲ Apocalypto
▲ Blood Diamond
▲ Burn After Reading
▲ Deja Vu
▲ Fast Food Nation
▲ Idiocracy
▲ The Prestige
▲ The TV Set
▲ Eagle Eye
▲ The Simpsons Movie
▲ Wanted
▲ 21
▲ Gamer
▲ Law Abiding Citizen
▲ Surrogates
▲ The Invention of Lying
▲ Casino Jack
▲ Black Swan
▲ The Book Of Eli
▲ Repo Men
▲ Shutter Island
▲ Unthinkable
▲ Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
▲ Contagion
▲ In Time
▲ Limitless
▲ Margin Call
▲ Moneyball
▲ Source Code
▲ Argo
▲ Chronicle
▲ End of Watch
▲ Looper
▲ The Dictator
▲ The Hunger Games
▲ The Words
▲ American Hustle
▲ Broken City
▲ Elysium
▲ Prisoners
▲ Side Effects
▲ The Devil's Double
▲ Edge of Tomorrow
▲ Gone Girl
▲ Lucy
▲ Nightcrawler
▲ Teacher of the Year
▲ The Lego Movie
▲ Transcendence
▲ American Ultra
▲ The Big Short
▲ Chappie
▲ Concussion
▲ Dallas Buyers Club
▲ 7 Days in Hell
▲ Entourage
▲ Nerve
▲ Passengers
▲ Popstar
▲ Westworld, series
▲ Vinyl, series
▲ Brigsby Bear
▲ Downsizing
▲ The Circle
▲ Ready Player One
▲ Red Sparrow
▲ Sorry To Bother You
▲ Under The Silver Lake
▲ Bad Education
▲ The Righteous Gemstones, series
▲ Uncut Gems
▲ Soul
▲ Don't Look Up
▲ Free Guy
▲ Hustle
▲ Triangle Of Sadness
▲ Apartment 7A
▲ Greedy People
▲ Subservience